The Rosemount 3051L Level Transmitter
The Rosemount 3051L Level Transmitter combines the best features of the Rosemount 3051 Transmitter with all the benefits of a direct mount seal. With a variety of process connections, configurations, and fill fluid types, the Rosemount 3051L is ideal for a wide array of level applications. Use it to gain more control over your plant by diagnosing, correcting, and even preventing level issues and also related flow and pressure issues.
Rosemount 3051L Features
Display Features
- High contrast graphical and backlit screen for ease of operation in all lighting conditions.
- Rated to communicate in 8 different languages.
- Simple, intuitive user interface.
Bluetooth Technology
- Diagnose issues safely and reliably without climbing tanks or building scaffolding; no hot work permit needed.
- Troubleshoot at speeds up to 10 times faster than traditional HART connections allow.
- The Loop Integrity diagnostic detects issues that affect the communication signal and alerts user to corrosion, water in the housing, or unstable power supply.
- The Plugged Impulse Line diagnostic monitors for plugged impulse lines and alerts user to abnormal conditions.
- Diagnostic events are tracked in built-in diagnostic log.
- The Rosemount 3051L can be configured to function in a tuned-system which provides installation cost savings, significant performance improvements, and much better response times than traditional level systems.
- It can also be configured to perform volume calculations in tank level applications.
- External buttons allow for configuration without removing the transmitter cover in hazardous conditions.
- Configuration wizard guides user through complex level applications.
Rosemount Tuned-System™ Assemblies optimize results
Rosemount Tuned-System Assemblies utilize a direct mount seal on the high pressure connection and a remote mount (Capillary) connection on the low pressure connection. This improves overall performance and installation compared to a traditional Balanced Seal System.
Figure 1: Comparison of Balanced System to Tuned-system
A. Balanced system with two equal lengths of capillary.
B. Tuned-system assembly with direct mount plus capillary.
Typical Tuned-System Results
- Reduce installed costs by 20 percent by eliminating excess. capillary and transmitter mounting hardware.
- Improve performance by up to 30 percent.
- Increase response time by up to 80 percent.
- Reduce risk with up-front quantified performance reports.
Contact Keco Controls
For more information about the features and benefits of the Rosemount 3051L Level Transmitter, contact Keco Controls today. Give us a call at (732) 901-5900 or send us an email to
To find out more about this product, please also see our Pressure page, or contact us.